
Chiropractic Techniques In Athletics: Enhancing Athletic Excellence

Chiropractic Techniques In Athletics

Unlock the Potential of Your Body with Chiropractic Care. Dive into the world of chiropractic techniques in Athletics designed to elevate your athletic performance and prevent injuries. Discover the science behind achieving peak physical condition. Conclusion Incorporating chiropractic techniques into your training routine can significantly elevate your athletic performance and safeguard against injuries. Chiropractic techniques in Athletics focus on optimizing the function of your musculoskeletal system, ensuring that your body is in proper alignment and functioning at its best. By addressing misalignments and imbalances, chiropractors can help improve your flexibility, mobility, and overall body mechanics, allowing you to move more efficiently and effectively in your sport. One of the key benefits of chiropractic care in athletes is its ability to enhance recovery and reduce the risk of injuries. Regular adjustments can help alleviate tension in the muscles and joints, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation, all of which are essential for faster recovery after intense training sessions or competitions. Additionally, chiropractic care can help identify and address any underlying issues that may be contributing to your risk of injury, such as muscle imbalances or poor biomechanics. Moreover, chiropractic care can also help improve your overall wellness and performance by addressing issues that may be affecting your nervous system. Your nervous system plays a crucial role in coordinating your body’s movements and responses, and any disruptions in its function can impact your athletic performance. Chiropractic adjustments can help ensure that your nervous system is functioning optimally, allowing you to perform at your best. In conclusion, incorporating chiropractic care into your training routine can help you unleash the full potential of your body and achieve new heights in your athletic journey. By optimizing your body’s alignment, function, and nervous system, chiropractic care can help you move more efficiently, recover faster, and reduce your risk of injuries. Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, chiropractic care can be a valuable tool in helping you reach your athletic goals and perform at your best. Don’t wait until an injury sidelines you—take proactive steps to safeguard your athletic performance and elevate your training routine with Ridgefield Chiropractic & Wellness Center.

Care for Your Heels: Learning How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis

Are you experiencing stabbing pain in the bottom of your heel? If yes, you may be experiencing Plantar Fasciitis   Having Plantar Fasciitis can literally be quite a pain in daily life. A simple activity such as walking to work may prove hard to do so with this condition. Plantar Fasciitis typically happens to adults aged 40-60 years old. According to a 2019 study, 11-15% of all foot-related complaints requiring professional care in adults are due to Plantar fasciitis.  What causes Plantar Fasciitis? The plantar fascia, which connects your heel to the front of your foot, absorbs shock whenever you walk. But when excessive stretching, tearing, and pressure on the heel happens, the plantar fascia may become inflamed.    Think you have Plantar Fasciitis? Try some of these common treatments.   Get some rest. Sometimes, it’s just as simple as resting your feet. Allow your feet sufficient time to rest and recuperate following strenuous exercise. Doing so will assist in reducing the weight placed on your foot until the inflammation goes down.   Take NSAIDs. Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin may alleviate the swelling and pain. Still, it’s essential to consult with your doctor first for proper dosage and administration.   Wear shoe inserts. Shoe inserts help take off some of the pressure on the heel. Some also provide arch support, keeping your foot in the ideal position and preventing further damage. Slip a pair into your shoes for everyday support. You can either get a custom-fitted or over-the-counter pair, depending on your needs.   Try the icing method. This is one of the most practical and inexpensive treatments for Plantar Fasciitis. Ice your heels using cloth-covered ice or a frozen bottle of water for 10-20 minutes. Just remember to not go beyond 20 minutes as it may only worsen the inflammation.    Consider injecting platelet-rich plasma. There is existing evidence of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections being useful in the treatment of Plantar Fasciitis. The said therapy allegedly triggers the body’s ability to naturally repair and regenerate after an injury.

Steps on Prepping for Football

Don’t go all out for the big game without some preparation! Here’s a few exercises to get you ready for kickoff. They will help you get your heart pumping and keep your muscles loose so you can last the entire game without tiring out! Don’t go all out for the big game without some preparation!   Football is a physically demanding sport that requires a high level of fitness and conditioning. To perform at your best on game day, it’s important to properly prepare your body through a combination of cardio, strength, and flexibility training. The following exercises are designed to help you improve your cardiovascular fitness, build muscle strength and power, and increase your flexibility, all of which are essential for success on the field.   Importance Of Fitness & Exercise For Football Players   Cardiovascular fitness is important for football players because it helps to increase endurance, allowing you to perform at a high level for longer periods of time. Some great exercises to improve cardiovascular fitness include running, cycling, and swimming. Incorporating interval training, such as sprints, into your cardio routine can also help to improve your overall fitness. Strength and power are crucial for football players, as they allow you to perform at a high level and make powerful plays on the field. Exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses are great for building overall strength and power. Incorporating plyometric exercises, such as jumping and bounding, into your routine can also help to improve power and explosiveness. Flexibility is also important for football players, as it helps to prevent injuries and improve overall performance. Yoga, stretching, and foam rolling are all great ways to increase flexibility. Relaxation is also important to remember to give your body time to recover after intense workouts. Make sure to schedule rest days and actively work to prevent injury by stretching before and after exercise and warming up before games. By incorporating these exercises into your regular training routine, you will be better prepared for the big game and less likely to get injured. It’s also important to consult with a coach or trainer to build an individualized workout plan that fits your specific needs and goals.   how to prevent injuries in prepping? Here are a few exercises to get you ready for kickoff. They will help you get your heart pumping and keep your muscles loose so you can last the entire game without tiring out & injuries!   Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *   Comment *    Name *    Email *    Website    Useful Links Anti-Discrimination Disclaimer Healthcare Disclaimer Good Faith Estimate Privacy Policy Ridgefield Chiropractic & Wellness Center Monday – Wednesday: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm Thursday: CLOSED Friday: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (1st and 3rd Sat of the month) Sunday: CLOSED   Connect With Us Facebook  Instagram  Youtube  Twitter  Linkedin Site Map (C) Copyright 2022 . All rights reserved. Ridgefield Chiropractic.com

Is It Important To Strengthening Your Neck for Football

Whether it’s the first ever game of your young athlete’s career or the last game of the season, it’s more than essential to ensure they’re ready for action. An athlete’s neck, which is  an important yet most ignored body part, should be strengthened before participation in football and even in soccer to avoid potential injuries Research has shown that strengthening the neck can: – Prevent injuries that may occur during contact sports such as football – Results in an overall increase in speed, agility and strength – Improve balance, one of the key components of being a successful football player Through some research we’ve found here are a few neck strengthening exercises that will benefit the student athlete: 1. Cervical Slides Football requires a lot of bending and twisting of the neck especially during tackling.  You can help your child achieve a better posture and a firmer neck with cervical slides. How to do it? Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now, bend your neck and slowly move your chin downward until you feel the stretch on the back of your neck. Next, tuck your chin to your chest and slowly move your head back up. Repeat this in one minute.  Reminder: Always keep your chin tucked in to avoid straining your neck. For better execution, watch this video tutorial: https://www.nfl.com/news/get-ahead-of-the-game-with-these-neck-exercises-0ap3000000602977 2. Dumbbell Front Raises If you want to enhance shoulder mobility and tone your upper body to take on the forces during tackling or being tackled, dumbbell front raises are your go-to exercise. It also helps strengthen your upper back and the muscles of your neck. How to do it? Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Swing your arms back and touch the dumbbells to your upper chest. Slowly lower them back to the starting position. Repeat for 10 to 20 reps.  Pro tip: Avoid swinging the dumbbells too fast. This can put a lot of pressure on your neck. Learn how to do it properly here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXSoDQ7SgTk 3. Dumbbell Shrugs Usually, this exercise is done with a barbell, but you can also do it with dumbbells. By practicing shrugs, you’re developing your upper body’s muscles and strengthening your neck. This can even help improve power in the shoulder and elbow joints. In addition, it will allow you to hold your head high, protecting your neck from unnecessary stresses caused by a forward posture. How to do it?  Stand with your feet slightly apart, knees slightly bent and dumbbells raised above your head. Shrug your shoulders up and down while keeping your arms straight. Repeat for 10-20 reps.  Note: Make sure you don’t raise your shoulders higher than your ears. Go only as high as your shoulder joints allow. This video tutorial will teach you how to do the shrug properly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llSrlpd7TEE  Better Safe than Sorry  Injuries can happen anytime, so it’s essential to better understand the potential risks that can be caused by injuries and how much time you should dedicate to preventing them from happening.  If you want your child to stay healthy and avoid injuries, take these exercises seriously to help strengthen their neck so they can play at their optimal capacity.  Need help in prepping your young football superstar before the game? Let us handle that for you. From the pre-game warmup to the post-game cooldown, we’ll ensure that your child is ready to take action when the whistle blows. So contact us today, and let us get you started!

Why You Should Ride Your Bike to Work

Ridgefield Chiropractor | Dr Chris Mascetta

The average American spends half of their day sitting, and it’s even worse for those who have a long daily commute. Sitting that often can be detrimental to your health, the good news is that there are ways to combat sitting so much! One great way to help yourself out is riding your bike to work everyday, here’s how: Take charge of your health today and take that bike to and from work, if you have any pain or hesitation about cycling call our office today and we would be happy to help you cycle pain free!

6 Concussion Recovery Tips

Dr. Chris Mascetta 6 Concussion Recovery Tips

Concussions are not enjoyable and can cause issues long after they are gone, it is very important that after a concussion a proper recovery is followed. A proper recovery can take time and seem frustrating, the only way to lessen the effects and long lasting repercussions is having a proper recovery, there are some great ways to help you feel better and recover faster. Concussions can be scary and cause lasting side effects, they do not have to keep you down long. Recovery can be difficult and the symptoms can be frustrating, however; if you follow our suggestions you will be on your way to feeling better in no time!

4 Things Athletes can do to Prevent Injuries

Dr. Chris Mascetta 4 Things Athletes can do to Prevent Injuries

Each year, athletes throughout America suffer a collective 8.6 million sports injuries. These injuries range from easy-to-treat sprains and strains to career-ending concussions and broken bones. On the one hand, being an athlete involves the inherent risk of getting hurt. On another, there are ways athletes can take proactive measures to protect themselves in the course of their sport and to ensure that they’re not undergoing more sports injuries than they need. Here are a few of our top recommendations for avoiding injuries during intense play. 4 Smart Tips for Athletes Who Want to Avoid Injury Regardless of whether the sport in question is soccer or pickleball, these injury-avoidance tips work to help keep bodies healthy and injuries at bay: 1. Stretch First It’s far too easy to get injured as an athlete if you don’t take the time to warm up before you start your session of play. Today, upwards of 30% of injuries in sports medicine clinics take place in the skeletal muscles. When you warm up and stretch before you hit the field, you do a few essential things: You improve the flexibility and range of motion in your muscles, reducing the risk of strain and making them less susceptible to injury You prepare your body’s other systems for the stress and impact of activity, reducing shock and stress hormones If you’re not accustomed to warming up before you start a game, build it in slowly. Spend ten minutes stretching your major muscle groups, for example, or go for a slow walk/jog before you start playing. For maximum effectiveness, be sure to start your warm-up at least 15 minutes before you begin your exercise.   Be sure, also, to include a variety of dynamic and static stretches. Static stretches are fixed positions you hold for a long period, while dynamic stretches are stretches you do while moving.  2. Fuel Early, Fuel Often To operate at maximum efficiency, your body needs ample fuel and water. If you’re allowing yourself to become dehydrated or suffer from low blood sugar during a big game, you’re not doing your body any favors. Even a simple thing like dehydration can make your muscles more prone to sprains and strains, for example, and contribute to exhaustion that will lead to sloppy form and dangerous habits.  Instead, keep your electrolytes high during high-impact activity. Drinking a sports drink or adding an electrolyte tab to your bottle of water is a great option. You should also fuel up on carbohydrates and proteins as you play. To-go packets of almond butter are a great example of a nutrient-dense, easy-to-eat snack. As you experiment with nutrition, find a few go-to snacks that you can toss easily into your pack. Keep these with you as you work out.  3. Evaluate Suspicious Pains Came down on your ankle wrong during the last game? Don’t ignorer thee twinge that flares up when you run. Instead, get yourself to a PT or sports therapist and have it evaluated. A chiropractor is also an excellent resource for assessing sudden pains or injuries, and for helping you take steps to avoid making them worse. Many sports injuries arise from something that could have been inconsequential, if only it were treated early. Not all pains are severe injuries. In some cases, they need rest and a few days off. If you push these little tweaks, though, you put yourself at risk of making a mountain out of a molehill.  With this in mind, recognize injury when it happens. You can’t demand a huge amount from your body unless you’re willing to maintain it, in return. When you take care of your body, it will take care of you.  4. Be Dedicated to Rest Days Every hardworking body needs rest. If you’re trying to meet fitness goals or incorporate more activity into your routine, it can be challenging to slow down. Instead of seeing a rest day as an inconvenience, though, start viewing it as a necessity. When it comes to athletic injuries, overuse injuries are some of the most common.  According to StopSportsInjuries.org,  “Training errors are the most common cause of overuse injuries. These errors involve rapid acceleration of the intensity, duration, or frequency of activity. Overuse injuries also happen in people who are returning to a sport or activity after injury and try to make up for lost time by pushing themselves to achieve the level of participation they were at before injury. Proper technique is critical in avoiding overuse injuries, as slight changes in form may be the culprit. For this reason, coaches, athletic trainers, and teachers can play a role in preventing recurrent overuse injuries.” To avoid this, you need to avoid overtraining. When you overtrain, you not only damage your performance, but you put excessive strain on your body systems, causing muscle and tendon damage and decreasing the energy stored in your muscles. This fatigue puts you in a prime position for injuries. To avoid this, incorporate rest days into your routine.  Take Care of Your Body and It Will Take Care of You Being involved in active esports is an excellent pastime as far as your fitness and cardiovascular health are concerned. When it comes to your skeletal and soft tissue system, however, active sports do present a significant risk. That’s no reason to stop playing, though. If you’re concerned about injury, it’s wise to take a few preventative steps to avoid sports injuries and keep your body healthy. By incorporating rest days into your routine, fueling your body with plenty of water and nutrition, paying attention to pain signals your body is sending you, and starting a warm-up and stretching routine, you can make your everyday play safer, healthier, and more fulfilling.   Want to develop a spinal care routine to help you stay active? Contact our offices today to book your first appointment.