
Love Your Heart: Keep It Pumping

What would happen if your heart suddenly stops beating?  Now, that’s not a happy thought but… since it is Heart Health Month we want to give you some tips to keep your heart healthy and live a very long, healthy and happy life.   Let’s fight heart disease together! This Heart Health Month is dedicated to fighting the silent killer. Here are some ways:   1 – Say no to that second scoop of ice cream.   Creamy, sweet and delectable, ice cream is indeed a lovely dessert to indulge in. But its high-fat content combined with other sugars can cause high blood pressure, leaving your heart working overtime to keep your blood flowing smoothly.   Try cutting off sugary foods and processed carbohydrates to keep your cardiovascular system in shape.   2 – Move your body! Exercise is not just a good way to shed excess fats and stay in shape. It also keeps villains (aka, fat cells) at bay. When you work out, your body can burn these fat cells to give your heart extra energy.   3 – Oxygenate yourself. Staying hydrated will make your heart work less. Water is not just a liquid that quenches thirst, and it also relieves strain on the cardiovascular system.   4 – Avoid stress. Stress can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and other deadly diseases.   5 – Take good care of yourself. Don’t take anything for granted. Pay close attention to your health and do regular checks on your heart’s condition.   Heart Health Month aims to raise public awareness about the importance of keeping their hearts alive and kicking!   Let’s keep it pumping, fellas!  

New Year, New You: Doable Healthy Tips to Achieve Your Best Version

If there’s one thing that the global pandemic taught us, it’s never to take our well-being for granted. With 2022 being a year of unprecedented change and challenge, it’s time to start 2023 on the right foot! Why not make one simple change this New Year that could benefit your health? It doesn’t have to be anything drastic like giving up all your cravings (ahem, sugar) or running a marathon – small changes can go a long way! Say no to the late-night snacks. Instead of reaching for chips and dip, why not opt for something healthier like carrots and hummus? If you’re really craving something sweet, add a little bit of dark chocolate to your snack – it’s packed full of antioxidants! Forget the snooze button. Admit it or not, we all hit the snooze button at least once (or twice) in the morning. Instead of getting an extra few minutes of sleep, try to get up at your designated time and use those extra minutes for physical activity. It doesn’t have to be a workout – simply walking outside can help you feel refreshed and energized! Take it slow with sugary drinks. Oh, the temptation. Do you really need that extra frappuccino? Instead of giving in to temptation, try to replace sugary drinks with water or unsweetened tea. If you still need something extra, why not make your own fruit smoothie? With all the fresh fruits available in the market, it’s easy to make something healthy and delicious! Always take a break from prolonged sitting/standing. One of the biggest challenges of our modern lifestyle is that most of us are stuck in front of a computer all day. Meetings and Deadlines and Paperwork and even Endless emails. It’s no wonder our bodies can feel strained from all the sitting and standing! Too much of anything can be bad for us, and that includes being inactive. Remember to take regular breaks throughout the day to move your body – even a simple stretching or brisk walk around the block can help! Water therapy always helps! Stop buying those expensive energy drinks and get yourself a good old-fashioned glass of water. Not only is it healthier, but it can also help to flush out toxins and promote better circulation throughout the body. You don’t need to gulp down pints of water all day – try drinking one glass eight times a day for starters and gradually increase the amount as you go! Don’t forget to indulge. If you’re trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, it doesn’t mean that you have to swear off unhealthy treats completely – sometimes it’s OK to indulge! Just make sure that your indulgences are part of your overall healthy food plan, and don’t go overboard with them. Life was pretty tough last year, so why not shake off the negativity and smile by following some of these easy New Year, New You tips? It might help you make your biggest resolution a reality!

Avoiding Injuries while Shoveling Snow in 5 Simple Steps

Keep the shovel handle down and ahead of you. This is really about the position of the shovel. If you have the angle too steep it can lead to injuries in your neck, shoulder, low back, and even knees. You want to make sure to take small amounts of snow to move and not overdo it. This also prevents injuries to your knees if you are bent too low for too long. Enjoy the time out in the snow and proper mechanics will make it that much more enjoyable and your body will thank you. Lift with your legs, not your back to avoid common snow shoveling injuries. Keep the weight off your back and use your legs to support the weight instead. Raising your hips and not being bent over for long periods keeps you from straining your back muscles and keeps the snow light enough to move quickly. Use a long-handled shovel. Long-handled shovels help you lift and push the snow without straining your back as often, which is important since you can spend a lot of time in this position without even realizing it. Another benefit of using a long-handled shovel is that you can move the snow into small piles that are easy to dig out later.  A small amount of lifting is much better for avoiding snow shoveling injuries. Take small amounts and multiple trips to decrease the potential for injury. You don’t have to be a superhero – just be a smart hero.  Take breaks – it’s good for your back and your heart. It is also helpful for avoiding snow-related injuries. When shoveling snow there is a tremendous amount of stress placed on your body. Not just your low back but also your heart. So again, enjoy the process -yes that sounds crazy but you need to take breaks. Get % of it done and then go inside and warm up and get a couple of sips of hot cocoa. Then work on the next 1/2 of the driveway and take another break – maybe throw some snowballs at the kids or neighbors and then finally complete the last % and wrap it up with building a little snowman.  HOW TO AVOID SNOW SHOVEL INJURIES Winter is here and with it comes the inevitable task of shoveling snow. While it may seem like a simple task, snow shoveling can lead to a variety of injuries, particularly to the back. In this blog post, we will be discussing how to avoid snow shovel injuries and tips to help prevent common snow shoveling injuries. We will also be covering snow-related injuries and how to prevent back injuries from shoveling snow. By above 5 simple steps, you can stay safe and injury-free while tackling the winter weather. Understanding the Risks of Back Injury from Shoveling Snow Shoveling snow can put a lot of strain on the back, making it one of the most common snow-related injuries. People with pre-existing back conditions, such as herniated discs or arthritis, are at a higher risk for injury. Using improper technique or lifting heavy loads of snow can also contribute to back injury from shoveling. To prevent back injury, it’s important to use the proper technique and to stretch before and after shoveling. Wearing appropriate clothing and footwear, and taking regular breaks to rest and stretch, can also help prevent back injury from shoveling snow. If you experience pain or discomfort while shoveling, stop immediately and seek medical attention if necessary. Remember to be mindful of your physical limitations and to listen to your body, if something feels wrong don’t push yourself too hard. Common Snow Shoveling Injuries and How to Avoid Them Winter is here and with the snow comes the need to shovel it away. While it may seem like a simple task, snow shoveling can lead to a variety of injuries. In this blog post, we will be discussing the most common snow shoveling injuries and tips on how to avoid them. From strains and sprains to slips and falls, we will cover it all. We will also touch on back injuries from shoveling snow and how to prevent it. By following the above 5 simple steps, you can stay safe and injury-free while tackling the winter weather. Remember that it’s important to be mindful of your physical limitations and to listen to your body. If something feels wrong, don’t push yourself too hard. Stay safe and enjoy the winter season.

5 Helpful Tips to Avoid Injuries while Shoveling Snow

Tis the season for snow and ice! While we typically enjoy the time spent outside in the winter, there are certain risks to take into account during these colder months. Back strain is one of the most common injuries that people face during snow removal. This is because shoveling involves heavy lifting and bending over for long periods. Here are a few tips to help ease the strain on your back if you experience back pain during snow removal: 1. Keep the shovel handle down and ahead of you. This is really about the position of the shovel. If you have the angle too steep it can lead to injuries in your neck, shoulder, low back and even knees. You want to make sure take small amounts of snow to move and not over do it. This also prevents injuries to your knees if you are bent too low for too long. Enjoy the time out in the snow and proper mechanics will make it that much more enjoyable and your body will thank you. 2. Lift with your legs, not your back. When shoveling, a common mistake people make is bending over to lift the snow and then bending and torquing their backs while in this position. Keep the weight off your back and use your legs to support the weight instead. Raising your hips and not being bent over for long periods keeps you from straining your back muscles and keeps the snow light enough to move quickly. 3. Use a long-handled shovel. Snow removal can be time-consuming and tiring for your body. Long-handled shovels help you lift and push the snow without straining your back as often, which is important since you can spend a lot of time in this position without even realizing it. Another benefit of using a long-handled shovel is that you can move the snow into small piles that are easy to dig out later. Tip if you have a big driveway. Statt a line in the middle to split it into 2 equal parts and then you only have to go from the middle to the edges versus trying to move the entire amount of snow from one side to the other. 4. Small amount of lifting is much better. As we said earlier, enjoy the time out in the show. Listen to the birds and the snow fall, especially at night and it gives you time to just be with yourself…. and the snow! Remember though we all have busy schedules and you don’t want to try and move it all in one push or one lift – that is how injuries happen. Take small amounts and multiple trips to decrease the potential for injury. You don’t have to be a super hero – just be a smart hero. 5. Take breaks – it’s good for your back and your heart. When shoveling snow there is a tremendous amount of stress placed on your body. Not just your low back but also your heart. So again, enjoy the process – yes that sounds crazy but you need to take breaks. Get ¼ of it done and then go inside and warm up and get a couple of sips of hot cocoa. Then work on the next ½ of the drive way and take another break – maybe throw some snowballs at the kids or neighbors and then finally complete the last ¼ and wrap it up with building a little snowman. The breaks will help to not stress the back or the heart and allow you to enjoy the holiday season and snow shoveling season that much more. The snow shoveling season and especially the holidays do not need to be a grind! Instead, take the time this winter to keep yourself healthy and avoid injuries.

5 Ways to Show Gratitude for Health – Ridgefieldchiropractic

Would you believe that a grateful heart and mind can keep the doctor away? From heart disease to diabetes and other life-threatening illnesses, a positive attitude can make all the difference in your physical well-being. With the continuation of illnesses that many have suffered over the last few years, it is more important than ever to count your blessings and be grateful for the health that you do have. Here are five ways to express gratitude for your health (and life in general) this Thanksgiving: 1. Count your blessings (literally)! Stop crying over spilled milk and focus on the good in your life. Put your finger on your pulse (or someone else’s) every day, thank your heart for beating, and realize that you have a living body. 2. Share your life-affirming stories. Got promoted? Let’s toast on that. Your wife’s pregnant? Oh, that’s great news there! Your son got an A this time? This calls for a yummy pecan pie! Small or big wins, they all deserve a celebration. Your happiness, when shared, becomes contagious and uplifting to others. 3. Compliment and “like” others’ posts. Social media is a great place to show gratitude. When you like, love, share, or even retweet someone else’s post, you surprise them with positive feedback and encouragement for their social sharing efforts. Displaying gratitude for others’ posts also makes you more visible to your circle and friends on social media — it’s a win-win! Here’s our little challenge for you. Leave at least ten compliments to your friends, family, or even strangers on your social media pages within a week. Then, let us know how it goes! 4. Smile! The world is already depressing and gloomy enough. So be the gleam of hope and optimism in someone’s life. Don’t forget to smile! Have you noticed that your smile returns when you smile at someone (even for no reason)? And it happens almost instantaneously! It’s as if our minds are hardwired for empathy and reciprocation. 5. Be grateful every day. Setting a gratitude journal to record your thoughts of gratitude every day would do you good. In doing so, you affirm your dependence on the invisible forces (which is the ultimate reality, not matter) in all that you do. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving to you.