6 Concussion Recovery Tips
Concussions are not enjoyable and can cause issues long after they are gone, it is very important that after a concussion a proper recovery is followed. A proper recovery can take time and seem frustrating, the only way to lessen the effects and long lasting repercussions is having a proper recovery, there are some great […]
4 Ways to Relieve Migraine Tension at Work
The onset signs are impossible to ignore: throbbing pain in your head, a sudden feeling that working your job is impossible, sensitivity to light, nausea. Even if you haven’t tipped into a full-blown migraine yet, you know that one is coming. You have a single choice – relieve the tension now or feel terrible all […]
Acupressure for Migraines & Headaches – Ridgefieldchiropractic
Did you know that more than 38 million people currently suffer from migraines? That’s about 13% of adults in the U.S. With so many people contending with migraines on a regular basis, you might be surprised to realize that there are very few natural remedies to treat these searing headaches. Except, that is, for accupressure. […]