
Acupressure for Migraines & Headaches – Ridgefieldchiropractic

acupressure help for migraine headaches dr mascetta

Did you know that more than 38 million people currently suffer from migraines? That’s about 13% of adults in the U.S. With so many people contending with migraines on a regular basis, you might be surprised to realize that there are very few natural remedies to treat these searing headaches. Except, that is, for accupressure. […]

3 Smart Ways to Strengthen Your Spine

If you suffer from chronic low back pain or are recovering from a back injury, developing spinal strength is a critical part of your journey. When you strengthen core muscles, it speeds healing and decreases the likelihood of future injury. With that in mind, here are four easy-to-learn exercises designed to strengthen the spine and […]