How can a Chiropractor Help Resolve My Leg Pain?

When people think of chiropractic work, they immediately identify a few problem areas: the neck, and back primarily. Modern chiropractic care has many applications outside of that, though, and if you’re suffering from leg pain, it could be an excellent avenue for you. Currently, an estimated 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, but only […]
6 Ways to Help with Hip Pain while Pregnant

Pregnancy is an amazing and exciting time, however; it can come with some pains and aches. Most pregnant women will end up with a lot of hip and pelvis pain once they are later in their pregnancy this can lead to uncomfortable sleep, issues walking, and generalized pain. The good news is that there is […]
8 Benefits of Getting Your Workout in Water

What do the pool, beach, and ocean all have in common? Easy: they’re all an excellent place to get your daily workout! In addition to making your daily sweat sesh fun, working out in water also has some serious health benefits. Namely, it’s low impact on your joints and won’t worsen or inflame existing injuries […]
5 Tips for 1st Chiropractic Visit – Ridgefieldchiropractic

Going to any new healthcare provider can be nerve wrecking, especially if it is a type of doctor you haven’t seen before. Going to the Chiropractor for the first time most people want to know what to expect and what may happen during their first visit. We’ve rounded up the 5 things you can expect […]
6 Ways Chiropractic Care can Help Reduce Headaches

In the U.S. and across the world, headaches after one of the most common chronic disorders people face. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 50% of the adult population has experienced a headache at least once within the past year. Additionally, 9 out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches at some point in […]
5 Reasons You Need a Sit/Stand Desk

Those of us who work at a desk all know the neck and shoulder pain that can go with it, sitting all day is not only bad for your health, it’s bad for your neck/spine/head. Years ago sitting all day was the only real option for certain kinds of work, the good news is there […]
4 Ways to Improve Your Posture

Poor posture: most of us have it, few of us understand exactly how damaging it can be to our overall health. According to Harvard Medical School, poor posture can lead to everything from back and neck conditions to incontinence, constipation, heartburn, and slowed digestion. Surprising? It is for most people. When you think about it, […]
6 Reasons You Need a Massage Today

We all know how great getting a massage feels, how relaxed and relieved you feel after you get off the massage table. Getting a massage can often seem like a luxury and just for special occasions or gifts, however; there are some great benefits to getting a massage that will help your whole body! Massage […]
How Chiropractors Treat Neck Pain

Neck pain: it’s one of the most common chronic conditions out there. In fact, an estimated 16-75% of the global population experiences neck pain at some point. Additionally, neck pain ranks as one of the top 5 pain disorders in the U.S. and contributes annually to thousands of days of missed work, compensation claims, and […]
6 Concussion Recovery Tips

Concussions are not enjoyable and can cause issues long after they are gone, it is very important that after a concussion a proper recovery is followed. A proper recovery can take time and seem frustrating, the only way to lessen the effects and long lasting repercussions is having a proper recovery, there are some great […]