
7 Reasons You Should Start Using Cold and Heat Therapy

dr chris mascetta | ice and heat therapy | chiropractor ridgefield ct

Most people enjoy taking a hot bath or shower or using a heating pad when they are in pain or after a long day or hard workout. Heat feels much better than cold or ice, given the choice most of us would choose to use heat therapy instead of cold therapy. However; both are essential […]

9 Tips to Stay Active During the Winter Months

dr chris mascetta | stay active during winter | ridgefield chiropractor

When the weather outside is frightful, being inside can feel so delightful. The only issue with that approach? It keeps us sedentary and stationery, creating a whole host of health concerns ranging from weight gain to increased back, neck, and hip pain. So, what’s the answer? Is there a way to stay active during the […]

Why You Should Ride Your Bike to Work

Ridgefield Chiropractor | Dr Chris Mascetta

The average American spends half of their day sitting, and it’s even worse for those who have a long daily commute. Sitting that often can be detrimental to your health, the good news is that there are ways to combat sitting so much! One great way to help yourself out is riding your bike to […]

Up Against the Wall: How to Break Up Your Day so You Feel Great

Dr Chris Mascetta | Ridgefield Chiropractor

Think you have to get up at 5 am to be uber-productive? Think again! Sure, some high-performers rise at the crack of dawn and like doing so, but that’s not the only way to enjoy streamlined, simplified, enjoyable days. In this post, we’re going to share a few top tips to break up your days […]

Postpartum Care and Recovery, Why You Should See a Chiropractor

postpartum care and chiropractic | Dr. Chris Mascetta | Ridgefield Chiropractic & Wellness Center

Having a baby is hard work, your body goes through so many changes to bring a new life into this world and those changes don’t stop after delivery. Any mother knows that postpartum recovery can be hard, the good news is that a few visits to your Chiropractor can help you recover faster and easier. […]

My Newborn Won’t Stop Crying! Can Chiropractic Care Help With Colic?

Colic: it’s every new parent’s worst nightmare. A digestive condition that leads to comfortless crying in babies and young kids, colic can feel impossible to treat and even harder to live with. What most people don’t know, though, is that chiropractic care can help treat colic and promote comfort and wellbeing in kids and toddlers […]

How A Chiropractor Can Help your Child with Growing Pains

growing pains in kids | Dr. Chris Mascetta | Family Chiropractor Ridgefield CT | Ridgefield Chiropracitc & Wellness

One fact anyone with children know is that kids grow, and they grow fast which means growing pains.  There are no fast and easy solutions to help your child deal with growing pains, there are some great alternatives to help your child feel their best. Helping your child feel their best and not suffer from […]

How Much Sleep Does my Toddler Really Need?

how much sleep does a toddler need | Dr. Chris Mascetta | Family Chiropractor Ridgefield CT | Ridgefield Chiropracitc & Wellness Center

Sleep: if you have a young child, it’s a mythical, mystical topic. During the baby days, it’s virtually non-existent. As your child reaches toddlerhood, though, the paradigm surrounding sleep shifts. Suddenly, your child is sleeping a lot, but how much sleep does he or she need? And how can you help promote the healthiest sleep […]

How Your Chiropractor Can Help Relieve Sinus Issues

Sinus Pain Relief with Chiropractic Care | Dr. Chris Mascetta

Sinus issues are no fun, depending on what area you live in and your allergies a lot of sinus sufferers go a decent part of the year dealing with sinus headaches, constant runny noses, and a constant stream of medicine.  The great part is that you have options, great natural options to help with those […]