
Chiropractic, Headaches, home-post, Injury Prevention, Self Care

How Your Chiropractor Can Treat and Prevent Sinus Infections

Dr.Mascetta February 20, 2022 No Comments
No one likes the constant headache, runny nose, and general misery that sinus infections bring.  Chronic sinus issues can lead to other health issues and the need for multiple rounds of antibiotics, taking antibiotics over and over can reduce their effectiveness.   Thankfully, there are a
How to Dismiss Tech Neck in 6 Easy Steps | dr chris mascetta
home-post, Injury Prevention, Neck Pain, Self Care

How To Dismiss Tech Neck in 6 Easy Steps

Dr.Mascetta February 7, 2022 No Comments
Chances are that within the last few days, at some point, your neck has had some sort of pain or discomfort. You have also probably noticed that this neck pain has been coming on more frequently than it used to.   A couple of years ago,
reach your health goals in 2021 | Dr Chris Mascetta | Ridgefield CT Chiropractor
Chiropractic, home-post, Low Back Pain, Self Care

How to Reach your Health Goals in the New Year

Dr.Mascetta January 20, 2022 No Comments
January 1st, the time of year gym memberships soar, diet pills fly off the shelves, and your social media feed is filled with “how to lose weight” advice, and supplements that “guarantee instant results.”  Considering the decline of gym memberships drops drastically by February and cuts in half
back pain goals | dr chris mascetta | ridgefield chiropractic and wellness center
Back Pain Relief, Chiropractic, Headaches, home-post, Low Back Pain, Self Care

How to hit Your Goals This Year (Without Pain!)

Dr.Mascetta January 7, 2022 No Comments
Did you know that, worldwide, back pain is the single leading cause of disability? When it’s severe, it can prevent people from engaging in work and leisure activities, creating a pronounced negative impact on quality of life, and making it hard to enjoy the
5 ways to ease back pain without pain killers | Dr. Chris Mascetta
Back Pain Relief, Chiropractic, home-post, Injury Prevention

5 Ways to Ease Your Back Pain without Painkillers

Dr.Mascetta December 20, 2021 No Comments
Back pain affects millions of people everyday, many back pain sufferers want to find relief without taking harmful and addictive pain medications or getting surgery, for many years pain medication and surgeries seemed to be the only way. There is good news, medications and surgeries are no longer
dr chris mascetta | ice and heat therapy | chiropractor ridgefield ct
Chiropractic, home-post, Injury Prevention, Self Care

7 Reasons You Should Start Using Cold and Heat Therapy

Dr.Mascetta November 20, 2021 No Comments
Most people enjoy taking a hot bath or shower or using a heating pad when they are in pain or after a long day or hard workout. Heat feels much better than cold or ice, given the choice most of us would choose to use heat therapy instead
dr chris mascetta | stay active during winter | ridgefield chiropractor
Chiropractic, home-post, Self Care

9 Tips to Stay Active During the Winter Months

Dr.Mascetta November 7, 2021 No Comments
When the weather outside is frightful, being inside can feel so delightful. The only issue with that approach? It keeps us sedentary and stationery, creating a whole host of health concerns ranging from weight gain to increased back, neck, and hip pain. So, what’s the answer?
Ridgefield Chiropractor | Dr Chris Mascetta
Chiropractic, home-post, Self Care, Sports Medicine

Why You Should Ride Your Bike to Work

Dr.Mascetta October 20, 2021 No Comments
The average American spends half of their day sitting, and it’s even worse for those who have a long daily commute. Sitting that often can be detrimental to your health, the good news is that there are ways to combat sitting so much! One great way to help
Dr Chris Mascetta | Ridgefield Chiropractor
Chiropractic, home-post, Self Care

Up Against the Wall: How to Break Up Your Day so You Feel Great

Dr.Mascetta October 7, 2021 No Comments
Think you have to get up at 5 am to be uber-productive? Think again! Sure, some high-performers rise at the crack of dawn and like doing so, but that’s not the only way to enjoy streamlined, simplified, enjoyable days. In this post, we’re going to share a few
Dr. Chris Mascetta | Pregnancy Info
Back Pain Relief, home-post, Kids, Low Back Pain, Pregnancy

Pregnancy Pain? What your Chiropractor can do to Help!

Dr.Mascetta September 20, 2021 No Comments
Pregnancy can be a wonderful and beautiful time in a woman’s life, however; it can be painful, uncomfortable, and come with lots of unexpected side effects.  Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to help alleviate unwanted side effects.
